What You Need To Know When You Go To The Nail Salon For The First Time


Everyone in Tucson has different ideas for relaxation and stress reduction. Choosing to go to a nail salon to get your nails done is one excellent way to unwind!

Some unwritten rules of going to a nail salon can help your experience be even better! When these rules are followed, both you and the nail technician will have the absolute best nail salon experience possible.

However, since these rules are unwritten, many people unconsciously break them. Here are some tips you should know for your first trip to the nail salon.

What Are Some Helpful Tips For Going To The Nail Salon?

Get There On Time

When you get to the nail salon late, the nail technician may not be able to work as carefully on your nails as you want them to. Instead, the process may end up being rushed. Also, arriving on time allows you to be in a relaxed mood when you pick out your nail polish and design.

Be Clear

The last thing you want is to leave the nail salon unsatisfied with your nails and upset with your nail technician. Therefore, it is important that you be clear on what you want from the beginning. Be clear about the color, shape, length, and size of the nails you want to be done. Sometimes, mistakes stem from not giving the nail technician enough information about what you want.

Gauge The Environment 

When you walk into the nail salon, observe your surroundings. You can notice the aesthetics, but also observe the atmosphere.

If the atmosphere seems to be a happy one with people making jokes and interacting freely, then feel free to join in. At the same time, if you’re joining the conversation try not be misconstrued as being rude; don’t join the conversation by interrupting people.

However, if you notice that the atmosphere is light, then it’s best to just go with the flow and save any conversations for later.

Keep Personal Conversations Personal 

It’s a beautiful experience when you meet an old friend at the nail salon, and you want to catch up on the things you missed. There’s no harm in that but having a personal conversation with explicit details is inappropriate. Also, you want to watch how you raise your voice especially if your friend is not sitting close to you.

Ensure The Tools Are Sanitized

Make sure the nail salon’s tools are sanitized before they’re used on you. It’s alright to inquire about it just to be on the safe side. It’s not a bad thing. If you visit a particular salon regularly, just let them know that you care about both personal and general cleanliness.

Arrive Clean 

Before you take a trip to your new nail salon, put yourself in your nail technician’s shoes and ask yourself how you’d feel about scrubbing and cleaning someone else’s feet.

Cleanliness applies to both manicure and pedicure; it is non-negotiable. Arrive at the salon clean and help the nail technician carry out their jobs effectively.

Avoid Hot Water On New Nail Polish

After your session, you might be tempted to wash your hands and feet. Well, there’s no harm in that, however, avoid running your freshly fixed nails under hot water. Running your nails under hot water hinders the nail polish from drying the right way. Just be sure it is cold water and that the nail polish has dried to a reasonable extent before you run your hands underwater.

Skip The Food

Do not bring in food that smells bad and nauseates other customers. Moreover, you won’t be spending all day there, so you can easily skip the meal until you’re somewhere comfortable, like your home.

Limit Cell Phone Use

It’s best to set your phone to vibration mode only because the sound of your phone notifications can be disturbing to others. Also, if the conversation you’re about to make on that phone call can be made another time, then it’s best to shift that conversation. Talking away on the phone could be seen as poor etiquette for other customers in the nail salon.

Always Be Sure To Tip

Don’t forget to tip the hardworking nail technician before you leave the nail spa. Gratuities are always appreciated.

If you’re looking for a great new, eco-friendly nail salon with organic and vegan products, choose Greentoes in Tucson! All our nail services are free from exposure to any harmful toxins. We can help your hands and feet look so much better, in such a much healthier way, so book your next appointment with us today!

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529 N 6th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85705

greentoes North
615 W Roller Coaster Rd
Tucson, AZ 85704

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