Gratitude and Transitions



It’s that time of year when our kids are transitioning from one grade to another, goals are met and checked off of the “lists”, accomplishment is tangible in the air, tears of joy fill our hearts and minds. It’s a time of movement into the next step of our path in this walk of life.

We are so grateful, grateful for those moments our kids, maybe even ourselves, have been working towards achieving a true goal and it‘s been achieved! It is easy to identify, congratulate, high five these big moments, not always easy to see the small ones that come before, or in between.

What if we look for the small moments and celebrate those too? Not a “trophy to everyone” situation, but an acknowledgment of growth within ourselves, our children, our friends, in a day to day space? Even the smallest amount of progress is progress. It doesn’t matter if it’s something trivial or something major. As long something positive has been built or dreamed or achieved, there’s something worth celebrating.

So, in these next few weeks, as we see the big moments, I think we should remember to celebrate the little moments too. We should reflect on how our every day actions, our every day routine, even sometimes feeling mundane, make the big moments possible. Anyone who created something spectacular woke up in the morning, had their coffee, brushed their teeth, and put their shoes on. These are all the small steps that give us the powerful momentum we need to move mountains and change the world.

The big moments are easy to pinpoint, it’s the small ones that take some practice in finding. The little lessons we learn and epiphanies we have living our everyday lives can all contribute to something much bigger than ourselves. Sometimes, just getting through a hard day successfully is something to be thankful for and happy about. Whatever you will be celebrating, if you will be celebrating, may there be much happiness to fill your heart. Praise those BIG moments; and may the TINIEST ones fill your heart and minds too.

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