Everything Your Massage Therapist Wants You To Know Before Your Appointment


If you’re scheduling your first massage appointment, you may not know what to expect. Every massage therapist is slightly different in his or her technique, but there are a few things that ring true no matter who you book with. Put your mind at ease beforehand so that you can fully enjoy your massage in the moment.

Undressing Is Optional, But Normal


A lot of people are uncomfortable getting undressed for a massage appointment. That’s okay, but know that it’s completely normal. Your massage therapist is a licensed professional and using a thin sheet between you and your skin allows the massage therapist to do a more precise job than he or she could do with thick layers of clothing in the way. Your massage therapist will give you space to dress and undress alone.

Hydration Makes The Massage Better

Massage stimulates circulation and the removal of waste from the muscles. In order to properly facilitate that flushing process, the body needs a lot of water. In the aftermath of your massage, your muscles will likely be dehydrated – especially if you weren’t properly hydrated before you came in. Be prepared to hydrate yourself after the massage. If you don’t, you may feel residual soreness after the fact.

Plan Your Workout Beforehand

After a massage, your muscles a relaxed. During a workout, they’re all pumped up. A post-workout massage is very soothing. A pre-workout massage might make your workout a little more difficult. Walking into the gym so loose and limber will put you in too relaxed of a state to have an efficient workout. Save the massage as your reward for an amazing workout session.

Pregame With A Shower

A shower is a great idea for a number of reasons – one of which is that you’ll be coming in clean, and you won’t have to worry about any of your natural smells becoming apparent in a confined space with a massage therapist. The other is that a long, hot shower will jumpstart the relaxation process. Your muscles will be ready for the massage, and you’ll be able to make the most of it.

Breathe Like You’re Meditating – It Enhances The Experience

The massage therapist’s job is to work out the tension in your muscles and improve your circulation. Your job is to keep your body properly oxygenated so the massage will address the issues it’s designed to address. Breathing deeply and calmly, almost as though you’re meditating, keeps your blood oxygenated. The rush of the oxygen rich blood through the muscle being massaged is precisely how a massage works to make you feel better.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For What You Want

Your massage therapist has no way of knowing what the massage feels like for you. He or she can only find muscles that seem to need work. If you have a specific spot that’s giving you trouble, tell your therapist. Problem areas can be specifically addressed. If you need a deep tissue massage or if you have a sports injury you want to be treated, book a massage designed to target that concern.

Don’t Get A Massage On A Full Stomach

Massage manipulates both the muscles and the organs. Getting a massage on a full stomach can be uncomfortable. Eat something light a few hours beforehand, and plan a larger meal for after your massage. Manipulating your organs can have an effect on your digestive system, specifically in the form of gas. It may be embarrassing, but it happens all the time. Your massage therapist already knows it may happen.

Be Vocal If It’s Painful

It’s normal for certain aspects of a massage to feel slightly uncomfortable, but if that discomfort becomes actual pain, you need to tell your massage therapist. Everyone has a different tolerance for pressure and injured or sore muscles may be highly sensitive. Always let your massage therapist know.

Massage Isn’t “One and Done”

Getting a massage can provide short-term, temporary relief to aching muscles. The effects of a massage will last a little while, but eventually, you’re going to need to get another one. This is why massage is a therapy, rather than a one-time treatment. It’s designed to be continuously used. One massage is great, but a few massages a year are fantastic.

Remember That You’re in The Driver’s Seat

Guide your massage therapist. The experience is all for you. If you know what you want, even if it’s to spend the entire session working on only one of your legs, just tell your massage therapist. A great massage is designed to be relaxing, rejuvenating, and therapeutic for you.

If you’ve never had a massage before, let Greentoes in Tucson show you the benefits. You can book with us online or by phone. We offer short and long sessions in a variety of massage specialties, so you can pick the service that will work best for you.

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529 N 6th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85705

greentoes North
615 W Roller Coaster Rd
Tucson, AZ 85704

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