The Best Way To Moisturize Your Skin – My Mother’s Advice


Dear Friends,

We would like to present our first official blog entry – The Best Way To Moisturize Your Skin. Our goal is to share ideas about health and beauty, or whatever strikes us, that will be an asset to your day and practices. We are always excited to share what we know about whatever it is we know. May this entry find you well. May your week be abundant in love and happiness. And, may you find this entry and future entries worthy of your time.

Peace Love and Joy, Greentoes


My mom just recently passed, this month, and I miss her all day everyday. I am so blessed to have had my mom with me for 38 years. She was really lovely inside and out. She taught me so many life lessons and I will cherish them always by remembering them and passing them along to my daughters. One of her lessons was the importance of moisturizing my skin daily and cleansing my skin before bed. I remember when I was fourteen she told me it was time for me to begin my daily routine of washing and moisturizing. She bought me SPF 15 moisturizer and face wash. I am forever grateful for her guidance, as it was the beginning of my own understanding about how my care would ultimately affect how I look, how I feel and the health of my skin.


From my mom’s lips to your ears and mind:


Calm Skin Chamomile Cleanser

Wash your face nightly with something nonabrasive. I am currently in love with Firm Skin and Calm Skin by Eminence, found at Greentoes. I alternate them throughout the week. They leave my skin cleansed but not stripped and dry. I follow up with Firm Skin or Calm Skin Moisturizer for sleeping. When I wake in the morning my skin looks hydrated and rested.



Bright Skin Moisturizer

Before makeup, I always put on my daily SPF Moisturizer by Eminence. I am addicted to their product, not because we carry their product at Greentoes, but because of the results I have seen personally on my skin as well on that of Greentoes’ clients. I have seen acne clear, hyper-pigmentation lighten, and dry skin cease. I have watched textured facial skin smooth with one facial and then dramatically soften with use of product. We selected Eminence because of the integrity of product. The added bonus of course being their product line smells wonderful.


Water is the other factor in your skin looking it’s absolute best. We all know by now that 64 oz is the recommended daily allowance. BUT, don’t forget that caffeinated consumption cancels out water consumption so if you’re starting out your day with caffeine perhaps you’ll have to drink more water what the recommendation. According to recent reports, herbal tea or milk counts for water consumption. Yeah!


Whatever product you choose or use, make sure to have a daily routine. You deserve to take time for you by caring for yourself. You deserve your time and healthy beautiful skin. So pour yourself a glass of water and toast to healthy skin in 2014.

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529 N 6th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85705

greentoes North
615 W Roller Coaster Rd
Tucson, AZ 85704

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